Friday, January 19, 2007

New Year new blog

I have finally started my blog. I've been wanting to write one for a while. It seems a nice way to get thoughts down, and share pictures, and communicate to the world. My plan was to start this on the first of January, but we've been really busy. My father passed away January 4th. Here is his obit. He died from pancreatic cancer. We found out shortly after Thanksgiving. A mass of 10 cm was found in his abdomen. He stayed in the hospital till right before Christmas, then waas sent home. At that time his mass had grown to 15cm. He had tried two treatments of chemo, but to no effect.

Pancreatic cancer is bad news. If it is discover it it usually too late. Average life span after diagnosis is 3 months.

The beauty of cancer is that you get to say goodbye. I miss my father very much, but at least we (all of my family) got to say goodbye.

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