Thursday, February 15, 2007

9 months of Claire

Claire three ways. She is a doll. These are from a new program that we are trying out. What do you think.


Becky said...

I personally think this is the cutest baby in the world. Of course, being her mom, I may be just a wee bit bias!! We've been bringing Claire to Brian for pics for every landmark month since she was born (even before with her big sister Natalie) & we couldn't be more pleased. The girls love him & we feel so comfortable while we are there. Amy is always so patient with me while I ponder over which pictures to pick. Brian, I love these collages!! I can't wait to see the finished product!!
--Becky, Claire's proud mom

Becky said...

I personally think this is the cutest baby in the world. Of course, being her mom, I may be just a wee bit bias!! We've been bringing Claire to Brian for pics for every landmark month since she was born (even before with her big sister Natalie) & we couldn't be more pleased. The girls love him & we feel so comfortable while we are there. Amy is always so patient with me while I ponder over which pictures to pick. Brian, I love these collages!! I can't wait to see the finished product!!
--Becky, Claire's proud mom

AfterFour said...

Thanks for the kind words. The girls are a joy. (I really like my valentine from Natalie)